Oil Painting Signature Identification
In some cases information about the painting such as the title year created.
Oil painting signature identification. Artists signature identification we have been appraising consulting and brokering fine art for over twenty seven years. Identify artists signatures and monograms. Browse over 45000 artworks by more than 20000 artists. Either referring to 1945 or a 45 caliber gun.
Our goal is to help you to identify unknown artist or illustrator signatures using our large selection of illustrator signature samples. Check this box to also include the many artists we have with no country information. We invite you to search our artist signature library and hope you find it an interesting and helpful resource. Thanks for the help.
Anyone ever heard of. Signaturejpg painting 001jpg painting 002jpg art 2 002jpg pics 2 001jpg. When you click on an artists name you will automatically access all the artist information such as art prices signaturesmonograms and photos. Below you can browse the artists by their last name.
Users can then add the works to their own digital collection. I have two paintings that i inherited several years ago and i would appreciate any info in identifying the artist. This is especially useful if you are not quite sure how the artists name is spelt. Click on the signature to see the artwork.
Include the many artists we have with no age information. View biographies and art prices. First and easiest is to use the search feature. How to identify the artists signature on an old oil painting on canvas step 1.
If you can make out a few characters of the signature put these into the search box and hit enter. It looks like the signature is e de angeliz. Artists signatures offers free access to over 100000 artist directory listings in our database. The signature has a gun icon and the number 45.
The app called smartify uses image recognition to identify scanned artworks and provide people with additional information about them. Use the slider to limit to artists who were alive at the time you estimate the painting is from. Every visitor can search and browse our listings when looking for an artist. For the last few years weve built a library of authentic signatures of many artists work weve appraised.
Check the back of the canvas. Marlene has a landscape oil painting with a legible signature but no idea who it is click on the signature to see the full size version.